The 12 X-Men Films Ranked From Worst To Best

With the release of X-Men: Dark Phoenix, the nineteen year franchise that has spanned twelve films, with seven of them being directly in the franchise and five others part of other franchises that take place in the same universe. The first X-Men film back in 2000 was arguably the catalyst of the superhero genre that we know of today, so let’s take a look through the franchise that started it all, and rank the films from worst to best.

12: X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Rotten Tomatoes: 37%
IMDB: 6.6
Metacritic: 40%
Personal Rating:★★☆☆☆
Budget: $150M
North American Gross: $179.9M
Worldwide Gross: $373.1M

Much like the over-stuffed, over-done X-Men: The Last Stand, this is a fairly bloated film with too many characters, too much comic book trivia, and, ironically, not enough Wolverine.”

James Rocchi – Common Sense Media


11: X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

Rotten Tomatoes: 57%
IMDB: 6.7
Metacritic: 58%
Personal Rating:★★☆☆☆
Budget: $168M
North American Gross: $234.4M
Worldwide Gross: $459.5M

Singer’s absence is felt but not fatal. Ratner loses some of the original DNA, but with nifty set-pieces and a few nasty surprises, X3’s still a worthy enough sequel to ensure it’s no Last Stand.”

Dan Jolin – Empire


10: X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

Rotten Tomatoes: 47%
IMDB: 7.3
Metacritic: 52%
Personal Rating:★★★☆☆
Budget: $178M
North American Gross: $234.4M
Worldwide Gross: $544M

X-Men: Apocalypse is a decent follow-up to Days of Future Past – albeit one that will service longtime series fans more than casual filmgoers.”

Ben Kendrick – Screen Rant


9: X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)

Rotten Tomatoes: 24%
IMDB: 6.2
Metacritic: 45%
Personal Rating:★★★☆☆
Budget: $215M
North American Gross: $33M*
Worldwide Gross: $140M*

“Dark Phoenix provides an unsatisfying ending to the X-Men film franchise, with a storyline that’s neither character-driven nor well-developed. The franchise refused to evolve with the times, and so it goes out with a whimper rather than a roar”

Archie Wingate – UK Films


8: X-Men (2000)

Rotten Tomatoes: 81%
IMDB: 7.4
Metacritic: 64%
Personal Rating:★★★☆☆
Budget: $75M
North American Gross: $157.3M
Worldwide Gross: $296.3M

A solid start to the X-man franchise, which rapidly introduces the key characters and sets things up for the sequels to come”

Colin Kennedy – Empire


7: Deadpool (2016)

Rotten Tomatoes: 84%
Metacritic: 65%
Personal Rating:★★★★☆
Budget: $58M
North American Gross: $157.3M
Worldwide Gross: $783.5M

Deadpool is party time for action junkies and Reynolds may just have found the role that makes his career.”

Peter Travers – Rolling Stone


6: The Wolverine (2013)

Rotten Tomatoes: 71%
IMDB: 6.8
Metacritic: 61%
Personal Rating:★★★★☆
Budget: $120M
North American Gross: $132.6M
Worldwide Gross: $414.8M

“An improvement on the last outing for Jackman’s not-so-merry mutant. If only it trusted enough in its unique setting to forgo a descent into aggressively awful formula.”

Chris Hewitt – Empire


5: X2 (2003)

Rotten Tomatoes: 85%
IMDB: 7.4
Metacritic: 68%
Personal Rating:★★★★☆
Budget: $110M
North American Gross: $215M
Worldwide Gross: $407.7M

During shooting, Singer constantly referred to The Empire Strikes Back as his template and he’s made a movie that’s worthy of the comparison. On its own terms, though, it’s a truly great genre sequel”

William Thomas – Empire


4: Deadpool 2 (2018)

Rotten Tomatoes: 83%
IMDB: 7.8
Metacritic: 66%
Personal Rating:★★★★☆
Budget: $110M
North American Gross: $215M
Worldwide Gross: $785M

The script for Deadpool 2 is loaded with winky, fourth-wall-piercing eruptions of meta, the kind of humor that can make even the slow-witted and literal-minded feel devilishly clever.”

A.O. Scott – The NY Times


3: X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)

Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
Metacritic: 75%
Personal Rating:★★★★☆
Budget: $205M
North American Gross: $234M
Worldwide Gross: $747.8M

The X-Men franchise knows how to deliver the goods — this movie is thrilling filmmaking, a deft combination of engaged storytelling and impressive special effects.”

S. Johanna Robredo – Common Sense Media


2: X-Men: First Class (2011)

Rotten Tomatoes: 86%
IMDB: 7.7
Metacritic: 65%
Personal Rating:★★★★☆
Budget: $160M
North American Gross: $146.4M
Worldwide Gross: $353.6M

This movie isn’t perfect, but it’s more fun to focus on what’s right: the brilliant casting, for starters, especially when it comes to McAvoy and Fassbender.”

Common Sense Media


1: Logan (2017)

Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
IMDB: 8.1
Metacritic: 78%
Personal Rating:★★★★★
Budget: $97M
North American Gross: $224.6M
Worldwide Gross: $619M

The best Wolverine movie yet: grown-up, ballsy, character-driven and grounded. It feels right that it should be the last one, but it also feels a bit of a shame”

Dan Jolin – Empire

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